Cargando Eventos

To qualify for the possibility of obtaining a scholarship with a video audition, a recording must be made with the following contents:

Video audition Intensive Classical Dance

Bar: plié, tendu, fondue, grand battement, adagio in the center

1 combination of twists in the center

1 combination of small jumps

1 combination of medium jumps

1 combination of large jumps

1 combination of tips (women)

1 classic variation


Intensive Spanish dance video audition

Stroke with castanets going through all positions

Exercise combination of steps that contains: retortillé, lizadas, seasé against seasé, chest turn, turned waltz turn, deboules.

Exercise combination of steps that contains: high Jerez, sliced, pas de basque, back bakers and with turns, pirouettes, piqués, fibraltada turn, broken turn.

Exercise combination of jumps and drums that contains: open-close, changes, lizada in front and behind, blunt, echappés.

Brief variation of repertoire of bowling school.



  • The audition has a cost of € 10.
  • If the video is recorded with a mobile phone, the video has to be in landscape format.
  • The video will be sent in MP4 format via wetransfer. Select the video audition in the box below. Complete the form and add the wetransfer link in the corresponding box.
  • Send the video in the wetransfer link to:

DELIVERY PERIOD: From January 15 to February 11 (both inclusive)

The number of scholarships is limited, it will depend on the level and artistic potential of the participants, and the scholarships will be distributed among the participants of the in person auditions. The results of the video audition will be communicated by email to each participant on February 15th.

IMPORTANT: READ Terms and conditions of the audition.


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